canonical ensemble正则系综,典范系综
ensemble average总体均值;统计平均值
- Based on the ensemble learning method, the outliers are learned and deleted from the training corpus.
本研究采用基于系综学习的野点学习方法剔除网页中的噪声样本,有效地提高了文本分类的性能。 - The systematical state distributions and the related thermodynamic formulaeare by the ensemble theory of statistical mechanics.
Ensemble Methods in Machine LearningEnsemble Methods in Machine LearningNeural Network EnsemblePopular Ensemble Methods: An Empirical StudyENSEMBLE EMPIRICAL MODE DECOMPOSITION: A NOISE-ASSISTED DATA ANALYSIS METHODDynamics of the hippocampal ensemble code for space.The Ensemble Kalman Filter: theoretical formulation and practical implementationNeuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia.Nosé–Hoover chains: The canonical ensemble via continuous dynamicsA molecular dynamics method for simulations in the canonical ensemble