EnteroceleEnterocele.EnteroceleEnterocele is correctable using the Ripstein rectopexyPosthysterectomy enterocele and vaginal vault prolapse ☆Pulsion enterocele: long-term results of an abdominoperineal techniqueEnterocele revealed by simultaneous evacuation proctography and peritoneography: does "defecation block"exist?Posterior culdeplasty; surgical correction of enterocele during vaginal hysterectomy; a preliminary report.Site-specific fascial defects in the diagnosis and surgical management of enterocele.Posterior culdoplasty; surgical correction of enterocele during vaginal hysterectomy: a preliminary report. Obstet GynecolRectal prolapse, rectal intussusception, rectocele, solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, and enterocele.High uterosacral vaginal vault suspension with fascial reconstruction for vaginal repair of enterocele and vaginal vault prolapseAbdominal sacral colpopexy in 163 women with posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse and enterocele. Evolution of operative techniques