Environment DivisionTennessee Department of Environment and Conservation - DOE Oversight Division. Status Report to the Public - December 1999Code timing estimation in a near-far environment for direct-sequence code-division multiple-accessClass II Division 2 malocclusion: genetics or environment? A case report of monozygotic twinsThe Influence of Environment on Iron Incorporation and Mitotic Division in a Suspension of Normal Bone MarrowAn Adaptive Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with Dynamic Interval Division in Vehicular EnvironmentDay/night temperature environment affects cell elongation but not division in Lilium longiflorum Thunb.DIVISION AND IDENTIFICATION MARKS OF POOL FORMING ENVIRONMENT IN XINCHANG GAS FIELD OF THE WEST SICHUAN DEPRESSION[Prospective cost-benefit analysis of a fully digitized working environment in an ultrasound division applying process simulation]Environment and Production Technology Division