The First Epidemy of Tularemia in FR YugoslaviaRicin poisoning: a familiar epidemyRicinus poisoning: a familiar epidemy.[The chronic kidney disease "epidemy"].Epidemy of allergic diseases - A new health problem of the modern world[Hepatitis C in Egypt, a iatrogenic epidemy][Chikungunya: a new epidemy for Europe. Is there a new vaccine coming soon?].fQRS as a Noninvasive Marker for an Overgrowing Epidemy Affecting both Aortic Valve and Myocardium in the Era of Aging Population.Wildlife genetics and disease: allozyme evolution in the wild boar (Sus scrofa) caused by a swine fever epidemyA SURVEY OF ETIOLOGIC , CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND LABORATORY FINDINGS OF PATIENTS WITH CHOLERA IN PROVINCE HAMADAN EPIDEMY IN 1998