Cytoplasmic inheritance in Epilobium and its theoretical significancePollination Dynamics in Epilobium canum (Onagraceae): Consequences for Gametophytic SelectionA phylogenetic analysis of Epilobium (Onagraceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences.Effects of Inflorescence Size on Pollination in Epilobium angustifoliumMAGNITUDE AND TIMING OF INBREEDING DEPRESSION IN A DIPLOID POPULATION OF EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM (ONAGRACEAE)Cytotype distribution at a diploid-tetraploid contact zone in Chamerion (Epilobium) angustifolium (Onagraceae).Performance of Colletotrichum dematium for the Control of Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) Improved with FormulationThe Effect of Inbreeding in Diploid and Tetraploid Populations of Epilobium angustifolium (Onagraceae): Implications for the Genetic...Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant evaluation of commercial water-soluble willow herb (Epilobium angustifolium L.) extractsIRON TOXICITY TO PLANTS IN BASE-RICH WETLANDS: COMPARATIVE EFFECTS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH OF EPILOBIUM HIRSUTUM L. AND JUNCU...