- Peter Zec lives in Essen and Berlin.
Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II. RNA polymerase II-associating protein 30 is an essential ...Relationship Between Level of Blood Pressure Measured Casually and by Portable Recorders and Severity of Complications in Essential ...La preparación de la Cumbre de Essen. El Consejo ECOFIN del día 5 de diciembre de 1994.The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks.Distributed Hierarchical Processing in the Primate Cerebral CortexRandomised double-blind comparison of placebo and active treatment for older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. The Systo...Manual de métodos de analise de soloManual de método de analises de soloRisks of untreated and treated isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: meta-analysis of outcome trials.Rise in plasma concentration of aldosterone during long-term angiotensin II suppression