用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- absorb〔extract〕 the essence吸取〔选取〕精华
- produce the essence生产香精
- seize the essence抓住本质
名词+~介词+~- in essence大体上
- of the essence非常重要,不可缺少
~+介词- the essence of politeness礼貌的实质
in essence本质上;其实;大体上
of the essence非常重要的
essence of beauty美的本质
essence of chicken鸡精
- Flavor of life is always sweet, because they always taste the essence of life.
生活的味道总是甜蜜的,因为他们总是品尝到生活的精髓。 - Simplicity is the essence of good taste.
纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。 - Caution is the essence of that man's character.
谨慎是那人性格的本质。 - The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.
那两样东西在外表上相同,但在本质上不同。 - The two arguments are in essence the same.
这两个论点大致相同。 - Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency.
在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。 - Do you use coffee essence in making cakes?
The essence of SNPs
The essence of SNPs.
Review : The essence of SNPs
Essence of decisionexplaining the Cuban missile crisis
Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence
Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence
The prefrontal cortex--an update: time is of the essence
Chapter 12 In Search of the Essence of a Good Teacher: Toward a More Holistic Approach in Teacher Education
Scrutinizing Exotic Cosmological Models Using ESSENCE Supernova Data Combined with Other Cosmological Probes
Observational Constraints on the Nature of Dark Energy: First Cosmological Results from the ESSENCE Supernova Survey