- His mother had been born in the country, on a farm, and felt involved with the land but estranged from its people.
Estranged free labor
The Politics of the Estranged Poor
Religion and Humor: Estranged Bedfellows
Estranged from the ideal past: Historical evolution of madrasahs in Singapore
India and the United States: Estranged Democracies
Estranged parents and a schizophrenic child: choice in economics, psychology and neuroeconomics
Losing ControlHomicide Risk in Estranged and Intact Intimate Relationships
Estranged bodies, simulated harmony, and misplaced cultures: neurasthenia in contemporary Chinese society.
Genomic analysis of bacteriophages SP6 and K1-5, an estranged subgroup of the T7 supergroup
Understanding the clinical concept of delusion: from an estranged to an engaged epistemology