- The scientists were reduced to silence, to tears of an ethereal sort.
科学家们都无法言语,留下了超越现实的泪水。 - She has an ethereal beauty.
她有一种微妙飘逸之美。 - The music has an ethereal quality.
EtheReal: A Host-Transparent Real-Time Fast Ethernet Switch
Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit
Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit
The ethereal hand: Organizational economics and management theory.
Index - Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit
Wireshark & Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
Triple ion formation in ethereal solutions of lithium N-isopropylanilide induced by hexamethylphosphoric triamide
Ab Initio and Semiempirical Study of the Effect of Ethereal Solvent on Aggregation of a Lithium Enolate
When is invariance not invarient: A practical scientist's look at the ethereal concept of factor invariance.
Isolation and identification of morphine 3- and 6-glucuronides, morphine 3,6-diglucuronide, morphine 3-ethereal sulfate, normorphine...