- All major newspapers coincidently eulogize the government's positive suggestions.
Clinton Eulogizes Fulbright as Force `for the Better'The Good Reverend Eulogizes His Friend SteveUVA president eulogizes Woodrow Wilson, Dec. 15, 2009Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri Eulogizes Baitullah MehsudNPR's "Morning Edition"eulogizes Fermilab's TevatronZawahiri Eulogizes Slain AQIM and NF Officials, Continues to Attack ISFinal Insult: Nike CEO Phil Knight Eulogizes Joe PaternoAl-Qa'ida Leader in Afghanistan Eulogizes Islamic State of Iraq LeadersPalestinian Leader Abbas Eulogizes Mastermind of 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre'Vanguards of Khurasan' Magazine Article Eulogizes Jihadist Killed in Afghanistan