Segregación Residencial en la Ciudad Latinoamericana. EURE, 30(89), 5-24Les sépultures du Néolithique moyen I et du moyen II de Porte-Joie (Eure)Le département de l'Eure sous la République directorialeThe new handbook of organizational communication :QUANTIFYING PARASITES IN SAMPLES OF HOSTSMRI Asymmetries of Brocas Area: The Pars Triangularis and Pars OpercularisDutasteride in localised prostate cancer management: the REDEEM randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.Euregenas project in the frame of suicide prevention and postvention: Resources available for survivors in participating regionsUpper tract transitional cell carcinoma following treatment of superficial bladder cancer with BCGCómo modelar el desarrollo y la dinámica de la ciudad latinoamericana