- You can refuse to buy, but do not have to do her exasperation.
你可以拒绝购买,但也不必为此感到恼怒。 - Her lips twitched in exasperation.
她的嘴唇因激怒而抽搐着。 - His voice had the ring of exasperation.
他的声音带有着恼怒。 - He sighed in exasperation and nodded.
When exasperation kills
Parkinsonian exasperation
More citation exasperation
Exasperation on both sides of the stethoscope
Injury and Exasperation: An Examination of Harm to Others and Offense to Others
European partnerships: exhiliration or exasperation?
Reconciliation or Exasperation? - A Study of Post colonialism in Zadie Smith's White Teeth
"Judicial Review of the Executive – Principled Exasperation"
Beyond Ickiness is Risk: The Exasperation of Data Privacy Problems by Implanted RFIDs
You know, eh and other `exasperation expressions': an analysis of social and stylistic variation in the use of pragmatic devices in ...