- An exasperated EU promised to alleviate the isolation of the Turkish-Cypriots, but as full members the Greek-Cypriots now have a veto over this.
Exasperated Cities Move to Curb or Expel The HomelessArrested, the 'Exasperated' Villager Who Fired Shot over Gipsy ChildrenANGIOGENESIS INHIBITORSPulled in two directions. Providers pursuing coordinated care confused by antitrust actions.The food in your future. Steps to abundance.Protecting your patientsThe resolution of confl ictQuo vadis C4? An ecophysiological perspective on global change and the future of C4 plantsSolvation Effects and Driving Forces for Protein Thermodynamic and Kinetic Cooperativity: How Adequate is Native-centric Topological..."Memento's Revenge: Objections and Replies to the Extended Mind"