Peninsula Community HealthExcess fareThe ?200 Excess FareSocioeconomic patterning of excess alcohol consumption and binge drinking: a cross-sectional study of multilevel associations with n...System for rapidly dispensing and adding value to fare cardsPENDEKATAN LEAN SIX SIGMA GUNA MENGURANGI WASTE PADA PROSES PRODUKSI GENTENG DAN PAVING (STUDI KASUS DI PT. MALANG INDAH)"Non siando may puniti de li excessi fati, ogni dì presumono fare pegio": violenze consortili nella Legnano di fine '400High Fare, Dry Service: No End to Auto Trouble: Auto Drivers Continue Refusing to Ply Short Distances, Charging Excess; RTO Says It ...On the optimal fare policies in urban transportationVolumetric properties and spectroscopic studies of pyridine or nicotine solutions in liquid polyethylene glycols.