Some technologies in excogitating OODBS and security researchExcogitating File Replication and Consistency maintenance strategies intended for Providing High Performance at low Cost in Peer-to-...Excogitating on Shared Governance or How Thinking Together You Can Contrive New Ways to WorkEXCOGITATING BION'S COGITATIONS: FURTHER IMPLICATIONS FOR TECHNIQUEExcogitating a new Category of Computer Users to benefit CAD/CAM IndustryPANEL FOR FURNITURE OR THE LIKEPlasticity and banking potential of cultured adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cellsA scalable fast forwarding approach for IP networksMethod for transforming surplus mud from purification processes for civil and/or industrial recycled water into inert substances and...SANITARY INSTRUMENT FOR THE IRRIGATION OF ANATOMIC CANALS, ESPECIALLY THE RECTAL CANAL