- Whatever I write would be an appeal to her, an attempt to exculpate myself, even though such exculpation is not really possible.
Facts, Law, Exculpation, and Inculpation: Comments on Simons
Evo‐devo and “typological thinking”: an exculpation
J. L. Austin and the law : exculpation and the explication of responsibility
Evo‐devo and “typological thinking”: an exculpation
A 'grammar of exculpation' in communist historiography: Distortion of the history of the holocaust under ceausescu
Judging Yourself as You Judge Others: Moral Development and Exculpation
Root Cause Analysis of Network Performance Based on Exculpation or Inculpation Sets
Root cause analysis of network performance based on exculpation or inculpation sets
Relevant Contemporary Aspects of Incrimination and Exculpation of the Prostitution in Romania