- However, the scope of the privilege is ill-defined, because disputes over executive privilege are ordinarily resolved through political compromise rather than court litigation.
Executive privilegeExecutive privilegeEXECUTIVE PRIVILEGEThe Politics of Executive PrivilegeExecutive Privileges and Immunities: The Nixon and Clinton CasesExecutive Privilege and the Modern Presidents: In Nixon's ShadowExecutive Privilege Reaffirmed? Parliamentary Scrutiny of the CFSP and CSDPExecutive Privilege Revived?: Secrecy and Conflict during the Bush PresidencySecrecy and Separated Powers: Executive Privilege RevisitedExecutive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy, and Accountability 2nd ed. by Mark J. RozellCongressional Inquests: Suffocating the Constitutional Preogative of Executive PrivilegeExecutive privilege: The dilemma of secrecy and democratic accountability : Mark J. Rozell. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Univers...Legal Disagreement and Negotiation in a Government of Laws: The Case of Executive Privilege Claims against Congress