To exenterate or not? An unusual case of pediatric rhinocerebral mucormycosisImmunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies on the exenterated orbital tissues of a patient with Graves' disease.The osseointegration technique for the rehabilitation of the exenterated orbitMidline forehead flap in reconstructive procedures of the eyelids and exenterated socket.Use of Autogenous Split-Thickness Dermal Graft for Reconstruction of the Lining of the Exenterated OrbitReconstruction of the exenterated orbit with osseointegrated implants ☆Critical analysis of methods of reconstruction of exenterated orbitsThe exenterated mastoid: a problem of ear surgeryAspergillus niger infection of exenterated orbit.The use of osseointegration and rare earth magnetic coupling for oculofacial prosthesis retention in the exenterated orbit.