Intraspecific variation and geographical differentiation of Malus hupehensis based on exsiccate-specimen analysis.STUDIES IN ANTARCTIC LICHENS PART 5 EXSICCATE ANTARCTIC LICHENES FASCICLE 1 WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE TAXONOMY OF EACH SPECIESPhenotypic variations of exsiccate-specimen of Malus baccata L.Borkh.Fungi selecti exsiccate, LIIIe Centurie. Revue mycologiqueExsiccate deviceExsiccate deviceHYDRAULIC EXSICCATE DEVICEHYDRAULIC EXSICCATE DEVICEThe Study of Literature Review on Lacas Sinicia ExsiccateNotes on Hypnum scalare Zenker et Dietrich and on their exsiccate Musci Thuringici