- I endured a rough train ride because I refused to pay the extortionist prices for a first class sleeper.
由于我拒绝付给那些强求者一等舱卧铺的价钱,所以不得不忍受了一个糟糕的火车旅程。 - His act reminded us of that of an extortionist.
The Jewish Informer As Extortionist and Idealist
Corporate Tax Evasion and Extortionist Governments
Corporate Tax Evasion and Extortionist Governments
Class Action Objectors: Extortionist Free Riders or Fairness Guarantors
Mining cooperatives in South Kivu: saviour or extortionist?
Israel's policy in extortionist terror attacks (abduction and hostage barricade situations)
How a Bookmaker and a Whiz Kid Took On an Extortionist — and Won
The North Korean Regime Survival: An Extortionist Rentier State Explanation
Advocates for the Disabled, or Extortionist Vampires? Chapter 383 Attempts to Prevent Plaintiffs' Attorneys from Bleeding Small Busi...