- The blackmailer bled him for $20000.
勒索者勒索他两万美金。 - When you pay off a blackmailer, she gets your money, but all you get is her word not to disclose.
当你付钱给勒索者时,她拿走你的钱,但你得到的只是她不去揭露的承诺。 - The blackmailer milked his victims of huge amounts of money.
The blackmailer and the sodomite: Oscar Wilde on trial
Blackmailer Is Jailed after Family Terrorised; Victim Forced to Hand over Cash to Thug
Blackmailer Forced Girls to Perform Sex Acts over Webcam; MAN JAILED FOR FIVE YEARS FOR BULLYING PAIR IN CHAT ROOM
A King's Ransom: The Life of Charles Théveneau de Morande, Blackmailer, Scandalmonger and Master-Spy
Beautiful For Ever: Madame Rachel of Bond Street - Cosmetician, Con-artist and Blackmailer
A King's Ransom: The Life of Charles Théveneau de Morande, Blackmailer, Scandalmonger and Master-Spy, by Simon Burrows
A King's Ransom: The Life and Times of Charles Théveneau de Morande, Blackmailer, Scandalmonger and Master-Spy
Simon Burrows, A King's Ransom: The Life of Charles Theveneau de Morande, Blackmailer, Scandalmonger, and Master-Spy
A Review of “A King's Ransom: The Life of Charles Théveneau de Morande, Blackmailer, Scandalmonger, and Master-Spy”