- This is because he is movie-action incarnate or actionstar extraordinaire around the world.
NANOCOMPOSITE EXTRAORDINAIRECXCR4: chemokine receptor extraordinairePyridoxal 5'-phosphate: electrophilic catalyst extraordinaire.Nigel Grant: Modern ‘philosophe’ and pedagogue extraordinaireWilliam Stewart Halsted--surgeon extraordinaire: a story of 'drugs, gloves and romance'Staphylococcus aureus: the toxic presence of a pathogen extraordinaireJean Gottmann: French regional and political geographer extraordinaireA tribute to Dr. Paul A. J. Janssen: entrepreneur extraordinaire, innovative scientist, and significant contributor to anesthesiology.Historical perspectives on health: William Stewart Halsted - surgeon extraordinaire: a story of 'drugs, gloves and romance'Le ver, le démon et la vierge: Les théories médiévales de la génération extraordinaire: Une étude sur les rapports entre théo...