Qu'est-ce qu'une biographie extrospective?Development of Extrospective Systems for Mobile Robotic VehiclesOn Multiagent Autoepistemic Logic - an extrospective viewINTROSPECTIVE VERSUS EXTROSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH: A MATTER OF FOCUSBeyond Nostalgia: ?Extrospective Introspections? of the Post-Yugoslav Memory of SocialismPolicy Boosterism, Policy Mobilities, and the Extrospective CityComparing Introspective and Extrospective Forms of Occupational Safety and Health StandardsKnowing What One Believes – In Defense of a Dispositional Reliabilist Extrospective AccountAddressing a Paradox: Dual Strategies for Creative Performance in Introspective and Extrospective NetworksShowcasing Vällingby to the world: post-war suburban development, informational infrastructures, and the extrospective city