- It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon.
Probing Lewis Acid Sites in Sn-Beta Zeolite
Evidence of surface-reaction rate limitations in SOFC composite cathodes
Effect of Extracts from Yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) and Dasheen (Colocassia esculenta) on the Kidney of Streptozotocin-induced Diabet...
Back Cover: Cascade of Liquid‐Phase Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation and Etherification of 5‐Hydroxymethylfurfural to Potential Bi...
An improved threshold ring signature scheme based on error correcting codes
Techniques in the Angiographic Analysis of Coronary Flow: Past, Present, and Future
Compared Perspectives of Arab Patients in Palestine and Israel on the Role of Complementary Medicine in Cancer Care
The effect of oxide acidity on HMF etherification
ChemInform Abstract: Recent Advances in Zeolite Science Based on Advance Characterization Techniques
Comparison of the Shell Design Methods for Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks