- These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis.
这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效。 - The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment.
Beta-blocker eyedrops and nocturnal arterial hypotension
Preservatives in eyedrops: the good, the bad and the ugly.
Sodium hyaluronate eyedrops in the treatment of dry eyes.
Compliance in patients prescribed eyedrops for glaucoma
Autologous serum eyedrops for dry eyes and epithelial defects: clinical and in vitro toxicity studies.
Detrimental effect of preservatives in eyedrops: implications for the treatment of glaucoma
An optimised protocol for the production of autologous serum eyedrops
A study of the causes of non-compliance by patients prescribed eyedrops.
Safety, penetration and efficacy of topically applied bevacizumab: evaluation of eyedrops in corneal neovascularization after chemic...