- Direct investment can become a fad just like any other activity of an economic, social, or cultural character.
就象经济,社会或文化性质的任何其他活动一样,直接投资也可成为一种一朝风行的时尚。 - This can lead to thriftiness to the point of denying yourself pleasure, or embracing some health fad to ward of disease.
Sequence-structure analysis of FAD-containing proteins.
The FAD- and O-Dependent Reaction Cycle of Ero1-Mediated Oxidative Protein Folding in the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Electrical Wiring of Glucose Oxidase by Reconstitution of FAD-Modified Monolayers Assembled onto Au-Electrodes
Cytochrome b-245 is a flavocytochrome containing FAD and the NADPH-binding site of the microbicidal oxidase of phagocytes.
In vivo Multiphoton Microscopy of NADH and FAD Redox States, Fluorescence Lifetimes, and Cellular Morphology in Precancerous Epithelia
PS1 activates PI3K thus inhibiting GSK-3 activity and tau overphosphorylation: effects of FAD mutations.
Three-dimensional structure of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase: prototype for FMN- and FAD-containing enzymes.
Resveratrol and its analogs: defense against cancer, coronary disease and neurodegenerative maladies or just a fad?
Purification and characterization of the cytokine-induced macrophage nitric oxide synthase: an FAD- and FMN-containing flavoprotein.
A CBP binding transcriptional repressor produced by the PS1/epsilon-cleavage of N-cadherin is inhibited by PS1 FAD mutations