Nothing but fairways & greens (N.B.F. & Greens)
Ship's Fuzzy Domain – a Criterion for Navigational Safety in Narrow Fairways
RAPD Characterization of Poa annua L. Populations in Golf Course Greens and Fairways
Modelling environmentally friendly fairways using Lagrangian trajectories: a case study for the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea
The use of Lagrangian trajectories for the identification of the environmentally safe fairways.
Movement of Certain Herbicides Following Application to Simulated Golf Course Greens and Fairways
Long-term effects of recycled wastewater irrigation on soil chemical properties on golf course fairways.
Reducing Populations of Annual Bluegrass and Roughstalk Bluegrass in Creeping Bentgrass Fairways: A Nutritional Approach
Control of Green and False-Green Kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia and K. gracillima) in Golf Course Fairways and Roughs
Spatial Distribution of Ataenius spretulus, Aphodius granarius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), and Predaceous Insects Across Golf Course...