FAMULUS revisited: Ten years of personal information systems
Mus famulus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.2.
Stings by red scorpions ( Buthotus famulus ) in Maharashtra State, India: a clinical study
A new caryo-phyllaeid cestode, Lytocestus famulus sp. nov., from a Malayan catfish.
Computer-based catalog of viral diseases of insects: A FAMULUS application
Ontogeny of the famulus in selected members of Damaeidae (Acari: Oribatida) and its suitability as a phylogenetic marker
Morphological and cytochemical studies on the venom secreting cells of the scorpion, Buthus famulus
Evolutionary systematics of the Indian mouse Mus famulus Bonhote, 1898: molecular (DNA/DNA hybridization and 12S rRNA sequences) and...