- We call him a politics fanatic.
我们叫他政治狂。 - My roommate is a fanatic of Michael Jordan.
我的室友是迈克尔·乔丹的狂热粉丝。 - The religious fanatics flagellated themselves.
- She's fanatic about pop music.
她对流行音乐很狂热。 - Nothing is blinder than fanatic passion.
Evaluation of Slower-Growing Broiler Genotypes Grown with and Without Outdoor Access: Sensory Attributes
Evaluation of slower-growing broiler genotypes grown with and without outdoor access: growth performance and carcass yield
Meat quality of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes fed low-nutrient or standard diets and raised indoors or with outdoor access.
Performance, Livability, and Carcass Yield of Slow- and Fast-Growing Chicken Genotypes Fed Low-Nutrient or Standard Diets and Raised...
Sensory attributes of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes raised indoors or with outdoor access.
Homocysteine remethylation in young broilers fed varying levels of methionine, choline, and betaine
Fan or fanatic: refining a measure of sports involvement.
Homocysteine Remethylation in Broilers Fed Surfeit Choline or Betaine and Varying Levels and Sources of Methionine from Eight to Twe...
Organic poultry production in the United States: Broilers
An audiovisual inventory of some fanatic consumer behavior: The 25-cent tour of a jazz collector's home