- The family lived far away from downtown.
那家人住在离市中心很远的地方。 - I live far away from my school.
Laserlight — first example of a second-order phase transition far away from thermal equilibrium
Unemployment and consumption near and far away from the Mediterranean
Histology far away from Flatland: 3D roller-coasting into grade-dependent angiogenetic patterns in oligodendrogliomas
Magnetic field exposure assessment for adult residents of Maine who live near and far away from overhead transmission lines
Nuclei Far Away from the Line of Beta Stability: Studies by On-Line Mass Separation
Atomic gas far away from the Virgo cluster core galaxy NGC 4388 - A possible link to isolated star formation in the Virgo cluster?
Transformation of mutagenic aromatic amines into non-mutagenic species by alkyl substituents. Part II: alkylation far away from the ...
Study on Drainage of Relieved Methane from Overlying Coal Seam Far Away from the Protective Seam by Surface Well
Competition of Viscosity Correlation Equations in Isobutyric Acid + Water Binary Mixtures Near and Far Away from the Critical Tem...
Far away from a skill-biased change: falling educational wage premia in Italy