- Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests.
农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。 - Farmers rotate crops in the fields.
Farmers and their languages: the first expansions.Master Farmers' Scheme and Agricultural Tranformation in colonial MalawiNudging Farmers to Use Fertilizer: Theory and Experimental Evidence from KenyaDeterminants of farmers' choice of adaptation methods to climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia.Reduced risk of hay fever and asthma among children of farmers.Insect-resistant GM rice in farmers' fields: assessing productivity and health effects in China.Expression of CD14 and Toll-like receptor 2 in farmers' and nonfarmers' childrenToll-like receptor 2 as a major gene for asthma in children of European farmers.Frontier Production Functions, Technical Efficiency and Panel Data: With Application to Paddy Farmers in IndiaFrontier production functions, technical efficiency and panel data: With application to paddy farmers in India