FasciationFasciationFasciationFasciation in pea: Basic principles of morphogenesisA Remarkable Case of Fasciation in Oenothera BiennisMolecular mapping of the fasciation mutation in soybean, Glycine max (Leguminosae)Fasciation induction by the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians depends upon a linear plasmid encoding a cytokinin synthase geneMolecular characterization of phytoplasmas in lilies with fasciation in the Czech Republic.Inefficient double-strand DNA break repair is associated with increased fasciation inArabidopsis BRCA2mutantsThe fas operon of Rhodococcus fascians encodes new genes required for efficient fasciation of host plants.Relationships between Cytokinin Production, Presence of Plasmids, and Fasciation Caused by Strains of Corynebacterium fasciansMolecular characterization of two soybean homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana CLAVATA1 from the wild type and fasciation mutant.Identification of two new phylogenetically distant phytoplasmas from Senna surattensis plants exhibiting stem fasciation and shoot p...