- Howerer, it turned out to be a faux pas, as Mother made me return the dress.
然而,母亲要我把衣服退回,变成一件很失礼的事情。 - Another communication faux pas is transferring a customer from one telephone extension to another.
Faux Pas
Faux Pas
Faux Pas
The top 5 faux pas committed by job seekers
Fiscal Faux Pas?: An Analysis of the Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalization
Faux pas detection and intentional action in Asperger Syndrome. A replication on a French sample
Children's understanding of faux pas: Associations with peer relations
Who's Posting Facebook Faux Pas ? A Cross-Cultural Examination of Personality Differences
Recognition of faux pas by normally developing children with asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism.
Peer Relations and the Understanding of Faux Pas: Longitudinal Evidence for Bidirectional Associations
A new test of social sensitivity: Detection of faux pas in normal children and children with Asperger syndrome
Five Methodology Errors in Educational Research: The Pantheon of Statistical Significance and Other Faux Pas.
The Wireless Craze, The Unlimited Bandwidth Myth, The Spectrum Auction Faux Pas, and the Punchline to Ronald Coase's 'Big Joke': An ...