Studies in Animism: III. Animism in Feebleminded SubjectsConcept-switching in normal and feebleminded children as a function of reinforcement.Social deprivation and rigidity in the performance of feebleminded children.The effectiveness of social reinforcement with normal and feebleminded childrenThe effect of support and nonsupport on the performance of normal and feebleminded children.Discrimination Learning and Discrimination Reversal Learning in Normal and Feebleminded ChildrenRigidity, negative reaction tendencies, and cosatiation effects in normal and feebleminded children.Eugenic Sterilization in California. II Social and Economic Status of the Sterilized Feebleminded.Development of Tuberculosis and Changes in Sensitivity to Tuberculin in an Institution for the Feebleminded-A Ten Years' Study.The effect of social reinforcement on the performance of institutionalized and nonistitutionalized normal and feebleminded children