Like a Rock
Antihyperglycemic and sub-chronic antidiabetic actions of morolic and moronic acids, in vitro and in silico inhibition of 11β-HSD 1.
Punk in Russia: Cultural Mutation from the ‘Useless’ to the ‘Moronic’
Punk in Russia: Cultural Mutation from the "Useless"and the "Moronic"
Moronic Airdrie Fans Don't Deserve a Team; Shocking Scenes at New Broomfield despite Rescue Bid: Phil McEntee on Shameful Display by...
Working-Class Intellectuals: (Oxy) moronic Professors and Educational Equality (A Response to Ken Oldfield, A&S, 41, 1016-1038)
Manly Crafts: Mike Kelley's (Oxy)Moronic Gender Bending: Art Journal Vol.69 No.1-2 2010
Manly Crafts: Mike Kelley's (Oxy)Moronic Gender Bending
An efficient synthesis of moronic and heterobetulonic acids from allobetulin
The Moronic Sport: ORVs on Public Lands