FeldeneThe Feldene Experience: A Case StudyFeldene in the symptomatic treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea.Side-Effects of Piroxicam (Feldene®)PIROXICAM (FELDENE) - THEORETICAL DESIGN AND MECHANISM OF ACTIONPiroxicam (Feldene) predisposes to chemotherapy-induced acute uric acid nephropathySide-Effects of Piroxicam (Feldene®) : A One-Year Material of 103 Reports from NorwayA comparative study of piroxicam (Feldene), diclofenac and placebo in osteoarthritisReducing the dose of oral NSAIDs by use of Feldene Gel: an open study in elderly patients with osteoarthritisProphylactic intraligamentary injection of piroxicam (feldene) for the management of post-endodontic pain in molar teeth with irreve...