FELT-TIP PEN FOR MAKING UP OR CARING FOR NAILS, SKIN, LIPS EYELASHES OR TEETHAllergic contact dermatitis to 1,4-bis(isopropylamino)anthraquinone. Caused by a felt-tip marker penDiffusion of felt-tip marker pen ink into intravenous bags.Stable oil-in-water ink emulsions based upon water-reducible solvent dyes for ink-jet printers and felt-tip and roller-ball pensLaser Removal and Chemical Characterization of Graffiti Paint Spray and Felt-tip Markers on Stone MonumentsG. Daurelio - Laser Removal and chemical characterisation of graffiti varnish spray and felt-tip markers on stone monumentsDisclosing the composition of historical commercial felt-tip pens used in art by integrated vibrational spectroscopy and pyrolysis-g...Plasmonic colloidal pastes for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) of historical felt-tip pensChemical composition of felt-tip pen inksRazítka minions, felt-tip pens box