- The feminism age has yet to come.
女权主义的时代还没有到来。 - Chivalry and feminism are NOT mutually exclusive.
绅士风度和女权主义互不排斥。 - He pays lip service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework.
他口口声声支持女权主义, 但全部家务仍然是妻子的事。 - The word feminism conjures up a variety of images for people.
提起“争取女权运动”这个字眼,每个人都会产生不同的想法。 - Her words, thoughts and actions reflect the dawn of feminism.
The science question in feminism
The science question in feminism
Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Volatile Bodies: Towards A Corporeal Feminism
[Book review] the science question in feminism
Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. by Susan Bordo
Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism by Elizabeth Grosz (review)
Situated Knowledge: the Science Question in Feminism and the Privilidge of Partial Perspective
Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective