femoral artery股动脉;股骨动脉
femoral vein股静脉
femoral nerve股神经
Prevalence of low femoral bone density in older U.S. women from NHANES III.
The contour of the femoral head-neck junction as a predictor for the risk of anterior impingement
The contour of the femoral head-neck junction as a predictor for the risk of anterior impingement
Simple measurement of femoral geometry predicts hip fracture: the study of osteoporotic fractures.
Closed intramedullary nailing of femoral fractures. A report of five hundred and twenty cases.
“Modes of Failure” of Cemented Stem-Type Femoral Components: A Radiographic Analysis of Loosening
Critical years and stages of puberty for spinal and femoral bone mass accumulation during adolescence.
Effects of calcium supplements on femoral bone mineral density and vertebral fracture rate in vitamin-D-replete elderly patients.
Lowering of HDL2b by probucol partly explains the failure of the drug to affect femoral atherosclerosis in subjects with hypercholes...
The Effect of Insulin on the Disposal of Intravenous Glucose: Results from Indirect Calorimetry and Hepatic and Femoral Venous Cathe...