- BaTiO3 is one of most widely used ferroelectric materials and has been extensively studied.
钛酸钡是应用和研究最多的铁电体之一。 - It is very different to fabricate pure perovskite phase materials without the appearance of pyrochlore phase in lead based ferroelectric relaxors studies.
Ferroelectric memories
Ferroelectric memories.
Ferroelectric Ceramics: History and Technology
Ferroelectric Ceramics: History and Technology
Physics of thin-film ferroelectric oxides
Magnetic control of ferroelectric polarization
Fatigue-free ferroelectric capacitors with platinum electrodes
Structure of a Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Monodomain Crystal of the Perovskite BiFeO3
Ultrahigh strain and piezoelectric behavior in relaxor based ferroelectric single crystals
Effect of Mechanical Boundary Conditions on Phase Diagrams of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Thin Films