- The peoples are in a festal atmosphere.
各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。 - I had wished festal activities should attract her, but it did work.
Festal Letters 1-12
Festal Letters 1-30
Festal Letters 1-30:
Festal Letters 13-30
Festal Letters 1-30:A.D. 425
Festal drama in Deutero-Isaiah
Festal Letters 1–12 (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 118)
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds
A New Fragment of Athanasius's Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: Heresy, Apocrypha, and the Canon
Canon Formation and Social Conflict in Fourth-Century Egypt: Athanasius of Alexandria's Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter