- This paper summarized firethorn ornamental and medicinal value, food, chemical values, to enhance the understanding of pyracantha.
FirethornFIRETHORNScab Disease of Firethorn at Selected Localities in SlovakiaBiological activity and phytochemistry of firethorn ( Pyracantha coccinea M.J. Roemer)Surface-modified scarlet firethorn: an eco-friendly and effective dye remover with excellent regeneration potentialSTUDIES ON THE NUTRITIONAL COMPONENTS OF THE FRUIT OF THE WILD PLANT-FIRETHORNA Joint Processing Technique about Oil,Pigment and Pectin Extracted from Firethorn FruitOptimization of the Parameters for the Ultrasonic Wave Aided Extraction of Firethorn Red PigmentsBiosorption of B-aflatoxins Using Biomasses Obtained from Formosa Firethorn [Pyracantha koidzumii(Hayata) Rehder]:Scarlet Firethorn, Pyrecantha Coccinea As An Alternative Host to The Woolly Apple Aphid, Eriosoma Lanigerum (Homoptera: Eriosomatida...