- Since crossing over can occur during the first meiotic division, it does allow for some genetic variation in the offspring.
在第一次减数分裂的过程中可以发生交换现象,因而在后代中有遗传变化。 - It followed a normal course up to first meiotic metaphase when it inexplicably failed.
First-Meiotic-Division Nondisjunction in Human Oocytes
Ovarian teratomas in mice are derived from oocytes that have completed the first meiotic division
Ovarian Teratomas in Mice are Derived from Oocytes That Have Completed the First Meiotic Division
Functionality of the spindle checkpoint during the first meiotic division of mammalian oocytes
First meiotic division abnormalities in human oocytes: mechanism of trisomy formation.
APCcdh1 activity in mouse oocytes prevents entry into the first meiotic division
Chromosome configurations and time sequence of the first meiotic division in bovine oocytes matured in vitro.
Monopolar spindle attachment of sister chromatids is ensured by two distinct mechanisms at the first meiotic division in fission yea...
Kinetochore structure and its role in chromosome orientation during the first meiotic division in male D. melanogaster
6-Dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP), a reversible inhibitor of the transition to metaphase during the first meiotic cell division of the ...