- Your impatient self clearly suffers from a similar fixed cost of carrying out subtraction.
你身上那个急躁的自我,显然在实施减法时承受着类似的固定成本。 - In general,indsutries with high fixed costs are more competitive than those that have high variable costs.
Heuristics for the fixed cost median problem
Heuristics for the fixed cost median problem
Fixed Cost and Labor Supply
The Role of Fixed Costs and Cost Complementarities in Determining Scope Economies and the Cost of Narrow Banking Proposals
Allocating the fixed cost as a complement of other cost inputs: A DEA approach
Optimization approach to real power tracing: an application to transmission fixed cost allocation
Supplier selection and purchase problem with fixed cost and constrained order quantities under stochastic demand ☆
Use of cooperative game theory in power system fixed-cost allocation
Fixed cost and resource allocation based on DEA cross-efficiency
On network design problems: fixed cost flows and the covering steiner problem.