flame outFLAME OUTFlame OutCumbustor lean flameout controlFlameout in Repetitively Pulsed Chemical LasersA330 OVERWATER FLAMEOUT RAISES ETOPS ISSUESFlameout at the Top—Executive Calamity in the Nonprofit SectorImproved Flame Photometric Detection Without Solvent FlameoutRequirements for the Excess Air Coefficient to Avoid Flameout in Diesel EngineCash-Out or Flameout! Opportunity Cost and Entrepreneurial Strategy: Theory, and Evidence from the Information Security IndustryExperimental Study on Pulverized Coal Flow Ignition and Flameout in High Temperature AirStudy on the torsional vibration of vehicle powertrain, when one engine cylinder faces flameoutAcoustic Emissions of Premixed Flames in Swirl and Bluff-body Stabilized Combustors near Flameout