flame retardant[化]阻燃剂
olympic flame奥林匹克圣火
flame cutting火焰切割;气割
flame propagation火焰传播
go up in flames毁于一旦;着火;破灭
flame resistance阻燃性;耐燃性
flame spread火焰传播;火焰蔓延;展焰性
old flame旧情人(俚语)
flame spraying火焰喷涂
flame ionization火焰电离
flame ionization detector火焰离子化检测器;火焰电离检测器
flame resistant耐火的;防爆的;耐燃性;耐燃物
sacred flame圣火
eternal flame永恒的烈火
flame arrester灭火器
open flame明火
diffusion flame扩散火焰
burst into flame点火;着火;一下子燃烧起来;突然烧起来
flame holder n. 火焰稳定器,稳焰器
gas flame气火焰
- The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.
燃烧着的火,以它熊熊的光焰警告我不要走近它。 - One by one, he dropped them into the flaming oil.
他把它们一颗一颗地丢到燃烧的油里。 - The flaming sky is a kind of beauty.
火红的天空别样美。 - Don't expose your skin to the flaming sun.
别把你的皮肤暴露在炎热的阳光下。 - Even the flaming Agate, was agreed that you excelled as Macbeth.
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