- You face has 9 muscles beneath your skin that you contort , flex , and move.
你的脸部皮肤下有9块可以扭曲、弯曲和运动的肌肉。 - The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig.
园丁们舒腰展臂后才开始挖地。 - All the contestants flex their muscles in front of the judgers.
- We wound off a couple of yards of wire for a new lamp flex.
我们解开几码电线作为新的电灯花线。 - He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies.
他收缩他的肱二头肌以吸引那些女士们的目光。 - While the flexibility of working for yourself can be nice, more and more employers are offering flex time and telecommuting options.
由于为自己工作的灵活性很受欢迎,越来越多的雇主提供了弹性工作时间和远程工作的选择。 - Flex Agents are used in paints that are applied to flexible components, such as flexible urethane bumpers, to help the paint resist cracking when the urethane bumper flexes.
Molecules in a state of flex
Adept flex —Supporting Dynamic Changes of Workflows Without Losing Control
Adept _flex —Supporting Dynamic Changes of Workflows Without Losing Control
A FLEX Switch Targets Channelrhodopsin-2 to Multiple Cell Types for Imaging and Long-Range Circuit Mapping
Hybrid Routing and Adaptive Spectrum Allocation for Flex-Grid Optical Interconnects
Cetuximab plus chemotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC (FLEX): an open-label randomised phase III trial
Effects of Aerobic Exercise Using a Flex-band on Physical Functions & Body Image in Women Undergoing Radiation Therapy after a Maste...
A comparison of root canal preparations using Ni-Ti hand, Ni-Ti engine-driven, and K-Flex endodontic instruments
Cetuximab plus chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (FLEX): an open-label randomised phase III trial.
Efficacy of continued alendronate for fractures in women with and without prevalent vertebral fracture: the FLEX trial.