- Their mood is in a kind of fluctuant angst condition.
他们的情绪处于一种波动的焦虑状态。 - This understands fluctuant trends in time with respect to the requirement.
Mechanical causes of fluctuant hearing loss.
The fluctuant nature of precipitating antibodies in dairy farmers.
Fluctuant, progressive hearing loss associated with Menière like vertigo in three patients with the Pendred syndrome
Otitis media, fluctuant hearing loss, and speech-language outcomes: a preliminary structural equation model
Progressive fluctuant hearing loss, enlarged vestibular aqueduct, and cochlear hypoplasia in branchio-oto-renal syndrome.
Spatial feature of soil salinity in groundwater fluctuant region of the lower reaches of the Heihe River
Research on loan-to-value ratio of inventory financing under randomly-fluctuant price
Research on the method based on hybrid energy storage system for balancing fluctuant wind power
[Dynamic changes of groundwater level and vegetation in water table fluctuant belt in lower reaches of Heihe River: coupling simulat...
T cell clonality in synovial fluid of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis: persistent but fluctuant oligoclonal T cell expansions.