Introduction to the Flyspeck ProjectIntroduction to the Flyspeck ProjectSooty blotch and flyspeck of apple: etiology, biology, and control.Learning-Assisted Automated Reasoning with FlyspeckLearning-Assisted Automated Reasoning with FlyspeckErratum to : Learning-Assisted Automated Reasoning with FlyspeckGreasy blotch of carnation and flyspeck of apple: diseases caused by Zygophiala jamaicensis [Fungal pathogens].Expansion of the Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Complex on Apples Based on Analysis of Ribosomal DNA Gene Sequences and MorphologyDiversity and biogeography of sooty blotch and flyspeck fungi on apple in the eastern and midwestern United States.Four Species of Zygophiala (Schizothyriaceae, Capnodiales) Are Associated with the Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Complex on Apple