- The plea of Force Majeure may never be invoked.
不得以不可抗力为由进行抗辩。 - We think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this contract.
Force MajeureForce MajeureForce majeureFrustration and force majeureFrustration and Force Majeure 2eFrustration and Force Majeure, 3rd EditionFrustration and Force Majeure, 2nd editionCompeting Approaches to Force Majeure and Hardship“Social force majeure” — A new concept in Nordic consumer lawThe T cell in Sjogren's syndrome: force majeure, not spectateurEmergency Exceptions: State of Necessity and Force MajeureForce majeure : Will climate change affect our ability to attain Good Environmental Status for marine biodiversity?Force majeure: therapeutic measures in response to restricted supply of imiglucerase (Cerezyme) for patients with Gaucher disease.